Monday, July 19, 2021




Mama Africa, the land of heroes, a land surrounded by endless treasures.

They have bestowed so much misery on your offspring, your children are migrating out in masses for a greener pasture in foreign lands. 

Oh, mama Africa!! What have you done to your children? 

We sold our children into slavery, they dehumanized our children, they lynched our children because their skin was a threat to them,  

Africa, the cradle of world civilization, the continent of the wise, your children are full of strength, tenacity, and courage to seize the future even in the face of untold oppression. Why so much hostility on your progeny? Why is the black child hated by the same people that derived their livelihood from Africa? These people bite the fingers that fed them. What baffles me is amid these cruel acts, Africa you still open your borders to the rest of the world, she accommodated her antagonist with open arms without discrimination. It amazes me how Africa opens her territories for the looters of her resources to loot as much as they can, they have been looting for centuries, yet the wealth of Africa never runs out. 

What a generous continent, how liberal you are to the human race, even though you are fully aware of the ills and stealing carried out on your soil by these same slave masters, yet you are full of love and compassion to accommodate all races without prejudice. 

They despised you in their land, the land you assisted to build, in that same land our fathers worked the plantations, they build the rail under a whip, they picked the cottons, and for so many years, more than four hundred years till date you are still treated as second class in the land where you pledge your oath of allegiance. For how long will this ill-treatment of the black child last? Oh, Mama Africa! Oh, Mama Africa!! See your children, save your children and rescue your children from this plight.

African women cry for freedom.

Oh, mama Africa, how long will this plight of the African child last? Your men are not even fair to our mothers, our mothers are consistently marginalized.  Unfair treatment and untold agonies inflicted on them by their men’s ego in what is tagged “man’s world” syndrome. The black girl is being stripped of her dignity, Africa please educate your girl child, for the liberation of the black continent rests on the liberation of her females. Our Mother is the womb of the nation, mothers are the hope of the nation and there can never be a balanced civilization without mental and spiritual input of womanhood. It was never a man’s world from the onset, but men and women's mental sex interchain. 

Until African mothers are celebrated and given a place in the decision-making arena of the nation, until then Africa will never advance. Anywhere women are marginalized, progress is spurned, anytime women are victimized, the land retrogresses, when the girl child is marginalized, the race is stagnated.

Failed leadership in Africa

Corruption prevails in Africa, every sector has become a transactional sector, greed and dishonest dealings among our very kinsmen. We have sullied our identity just because of hollow gain, and the greatest waste of the African continent remains the waste of human potential. We see the consequences of unemployment in increased crime and insecurity, due to this social breakdown the land is scorned. These are all underline symptoms of failed leadership.

What about the mass killings in Africa? 

Today Africa is at war, the land of Africa has become a den of bandits. Strange children are killing and terrorizing the African people. Our highways are full of horror due to the activities of these so-called bandits, our farmers run from their farmlands because our farmlands and villages are being ravaged by alien bandits. This evil is certainly not African culture, this is not an African spirit, these killings and terror are alien to our native roots. These indeed are masterminded by external forces in order to break the cords of African unity, these are tactics of the western adversaries to keep the African continent in perpetual darkness, so they will instigate tension in order to distract us from our aim. Perhaps in chaos, they will bring order out of the same chaos they have instigated under the illusion they are AGENTS OF PEACE. We know their tactics, we aren’t ignorant of their scheming, Mama Africa please wake up from this spell and let them know the game is over.

Where is our rich cultural heritage? 

Our rich history informed us of our valiant conquest and the remarkable deeds of our ancestors. Today they have taken our history away from our schools. They have imposed on us alien history; the history and culture of the slave masters. How can we sing the African song with this false identity? 

Our identity unites us but today invaders are setting us apart. Our culture unites us but their religion separates us. They made us think we are inferior and substandard but these are the true cultures that empower us as Africans. All we ever need is ingrained in our black culture, the land is so rich and potent that the noble come to acquire wisdom from Africa. The potency of the African resources brings healing to the world, most especially the rich traditions and spiritual healing techniques of the African people. Through these herbs, the world's pharmaceuticals produce their medics. Yet they made the African child think his identity is worthless, they made us believe we have no history, they made us accept the lies that African traditions are not worth reckoning with. They made the African child live in an illusion. The illusion of the slave master’s identity. 

These are the plights of the African child. 

Mama Africa, please INTERVENE IN AFRICA.

Our peculiar struggles as Africans have to a large extent influenced the way we think and act. Amid these struggles for significance, just like all other races, the African child in her quest for a better tomorrow, is continually harassed and threatened by various life challenges. These challenges make many surrender their fates in idle living while many indulged in unproductive ventures such as crime in order to survive. But in spite of these unfavorable circumstances, so many African children are left with no choice but to surmount these obstacles in order to achieve purpose and significance in life.

Another crucial aspect plaguing the African continent is the activities of the colonial masters. The whole world has the impression that Africa is poor, sick, and starving amidst the numerous vast resources due to weak leadership and weak institutions but we must understand the root of this African failed social order before we draw a concussion. In my own opinion about the state of the African nations from my research I will say Africa is not poor but Africa is being looted.

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