Monday, July 19, 2021


our values

In the journey of self-discovery, we will come to terms with a very essential part of our being, this is the realization of our value.  Self-identity and what we represent as values are highly connected, without the realization of our value there can never be a realization of identity.  The discovery of our individual and collective identity as a nation or a race brings us to the full realization and harnessing of our values. It is very essential for us to understand that our values are the highest priorities of our existence and there are unique sets of governing values to each person’s life. Values include our beliefs which are the fundamental building block of our personality and whenever we violate our values we lose our peace.

A value can be seen as some point of view or conviction that we can live with, live by, and can even die for. This is why it seems that values actually permeate every aspect of human life. Value distinguishes us; it sets us apart from the influences of alien ideologies which includes a deceitful network that is sweeping over our world. If the human race will free itself from the influences of the aliens and unethical ideologies, then our liberation is certain. Many times we lie to ourselves by spending our time listening to the stories of other people while we fail to tell our own stories. We live under other people's shadows thereby devaluing our standards; until we free ourselves from borrowed ideologies then we will begin to tell our stories.

Today the very truth of our being is suppressed by failed values, how often we drown our uniqueness in the influences of alliance cultures. Where is the truth of our being? The truth of our very race is hidden in the identity of our race because our stories comprise our history, culture, traditions, languages, arts/crafts. If this is so then we must begin a new awareness campaign, especially for the younger generation. This campaign is for value realization where we begin to teach our children our peculiar culture; our stories and positive lifestyles that unite us as a race or nation.

For us to preserve our peculiar race we must first of all preserve our history. We must see our identity as more valuable than our gold, silver, oil or other, natural resources because the resources of our fatherland are nothing with when compared with our true identity because in our values lies the preservation of our race as we are all aware that our world and peculiar territories are richly endowed with numerous wealth which makes up our heritage and it is also an established fact the content of our world is largely blessed with natural resources deposits and cultural heritage. But Amid the diverse wealth deposits in our territorial soil, the greatest dilemma is the loss of identity among the very people as a result of misplaced priorities for our values. Let us take for instance the African people, the foreign values they  most time celebrates made them believe their identity is substandard to others, so they sold to them their values which include culture, religion, and their lifestyles but little did they know that the greatest enslavement is the enslavement of your very self because the true worth of any is not the amount of money he has acquired or the amount of material resources bequeathed to him by his predecessors as the new world trend makes us believe this error. But the true worth of any man lies in the realization of his true identity. I will say it repeatedly that money is a wrong attempt to measure any man’s value. Today the earnest quest for money and material acquisition has to a large extent overshadowed the inner yearning for value and self-discovery, and this is so sad. I will say that the beginning of our self-discovery/ national discovery lies in our quest for value, for our value, tells us about our true self-worth.

The value anyone represents either hinders or promotes the growth and productivity of the individual or society. We cannot deny the fact that inherent in our collective values are some good and right values that enhance growth, productivity, and co-existence in all strata but among these right values are also wrong and unprogressive values which I think should be reform if we really desire to make tangible progress and transformation as a race. It is always said that change is constant as everything is subject to change so also what we uphold as values must consistently go through the process of change as our world evolves in order to fit into the demands of this present time and age. So it is very essential for us as a race to look into and reform our perverted belief systems in order to accommodate positive change, development and human coexistence.

One may ask, in spite of our present cultural diversities, how do we know wrong values since diversities give room to what is generally accepted in one culture could be unaccepted in another culture? I will say that any belief system, ideologies or practice that threatens the peace, co-existence and progress of another or group thereby violating the divine laws of love and unity, such values should be looked upon as perverted and as such is subject to reforms. Today humanity has sanction hate, injustice, killings, terrorism, victimization, and cruelty as evil. The universal human rights frown at such practices, so any belief system or ideologies perpetuating such acts should be stamped out of our communities. It is also very important for us to understand that our values are what shape our lifestyles; our lifestyle comprises our arts, crafts, and traditions.  So is any work of art in any place an expression of the people's values as we often behold imprints of our collective values either positive or negative traits in our everyday arts. This is mostly demonstrated in our music, literature, poetry, painting, and sculpture.

 In this noble campaign to uphold our values, we should also have in mind that the only way we can achieve this is to believe in ourselves and what we represent regardless of what others perceive of us. It is only we that can chart our cause, and in charting this cause of our lives and nations, self-esteem comes to play. When we believe in who we are, we do not just believe in our worth but celebrate our uniqueness as a race which includes our diversities, then will we chart a well defined cause for progress in our continent.

Another vital truth we must know is that our diversity remains an essential factor in our evolutionary process as a race, for in our diversities lies not just our beauty but also our collective strength as a group, nation, or race. We will only better ourselves and strengthen our bond of unity in the celebration of our diversities. In these diversities is the weapon of our warfare in which we wage war against the deceptive alien's traits that threaten our world peace, above all, it is an absolute tool of our freedom.

Our personal purpose is connected to our values, in self-discovery it is essential we discover our personal purpose in life and if we must come to terms with this understanding, one of the ways to do this is to x-ray ourselves with what is considered as value questions.


     Imagine you died yesterday, what are the 5 things humanity will say about you?

     Imagine you died 50 years from now, what are the things people will say in your epitaph then?

     Imagine you died yesterday and you are now standing before God in judgment, what are 5 things He will say about how you lived your life?

     Now imagine you die in 50 years, what are the things you will love him to say?

     What are your 12 core values which constitute your wheel of life?


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