The greatest discovery is self-discovery. In the quest for self-discovery, the human race has evolved over the years since the creation of mankind. History made us understand that the evolution of our present world and mankind has gone through a series of processes to get to where we are in our present world civilization. Humans have scaled the highest mountain, delved into the deepest oceans, made several exploits to space, erects skyscrapers, conquering territories, and making big statements in architectures and technological advancements. All these discoveries are made by humans yet very few humans have made the greatest discovery which is “Man Know Yourself”. The Ancient Greek aphorism “Know thyself” a self-awareness maxim was later expounded upon by the philosopher Socrates who taught that: "The unexamined life is not worth living, the phrase "know thyself" has had a variety of meanings attributed to it in literature. Throughout human history, the question “Who Am I” resonates in the minds of every living conscious human that has traded the shores of this world. Though so many try to answer these puzzling questions, in a bit to unravel the answer to our individual self-identity we find ourselves venturing into various activities in pursuit of purpose and significance but the startling truth is, the answer to the question of self-identity is hidden beyond the deep ocean ties of survival struggle quest confronting the human race.
History made us understand that the greatest world teacher that
ever lived, in his earthly sojourn as he journeyed through the villages and
towns teaching his messages and healing the sick and oppressed when he saw the
crowd, He was perplexed because they were harassed, distressed, dejected and
helpless and they went about like sheep without a shepherd. Humanity is
constantly harassed by life circumstances; distressed by various troubles,
dejected and confused, no proper direction, misled by the circumstances of life
which make the majority of humans often make wrong choices that led them into
various complications. The master saw the people as people groping in the dark
path of life without a compass to navigate their way through the turbulent sea
of life, as Condoleezza Rice once said “never find yourself without a compass”.
Without self-discovery, the journey of life can be murky and slippery and I see
this is an absolute journey without a specific destination which is likened to one
groping in the dark. So sad to say that this is the case of the present human
race, what a tragedy to say that today so many are lost in the sea of life,
struggling to navigate their way to a destination of no clue.
The greatest tragedy that befallen the human race is the tragedy
of lost identity. In my work, I often go through personal resumes and work
applications. It is
amazing to say that 99 percent of the owners of these
personal resumes don’t have an idea of who they really are and what their
purpose in life is. I once asked a young graduate lady who applied for
employment in a certain organization why she so
desired to work in that organization, I was so disappointed with the answer she
gave me; “because I want to make money” was all that she could give me as an
answer. It is also proven that about 95 percent of our graduates get
certificates just to get employment in order to meet their basic needs of food
and shelter, not to make discoveries or create something.
Every great teacher that has ever walked the planet declared their
identity and mission to the world before they began their mission, for example
Christ declared from the scroll of his earthly assignment before he began his
mission, so is every human life scripted in the scroll. This scroll lies within
we and it is our absolute responsibility to search it out and rewrite it, until
we rewrite it, we will never play it out because embedded in the scroll is our
true self-identity and our discovery of our individual life scroll is the
discovery of our self-identity. This is the greatest discovery and the failure
or inability to discover the scroll makes us live a false life identity in
trying to be what we are not.
It is so unfortunate that
we live in an age and season of lost identity portrayed in the life of waste
talents and wasted pursuits. How often do we wake up to engage in an endless
pursuits of dawn to the dusk task of chasing money, significance, and fulfillment in
a wrong direction but in the end, it will be tantamount to stress, emptiness,
dissatisfaction and meager financial earnings while our greatest potentials
lies dormant, clouded within the veil of self-gratification. These potentials
lie untapped while humanity awaits the manifestations of our gifts in order to
salvage the troubled and helpless race from the scourging heat of unfavorable
life circumstances but we constantly deny the deprived humanity of our true
worth due to our ignorance and blindness to what we have at our disposal. As
long as our true identity is concealed, the human race will continually be enslaved
by ignorance and limited by the limitations of his environment.
The only way we can save our young people from wasted living is by
helping them direct their path toward self-discovery and pointing out the
truth. As the psalmist says “Lord teach us to number our days right that we may
apply our hearts unto wisdom”. The path of self-discovery is a struggle-less
path; struggle ceases when we come to terms with our true self. The continual
endless toiling and struggle for self-sustenance is a direct Indication of the
absence of self-realization and purpose placement. The teacher says the day of
self-discovery is the day of rest, in the discovery of purpose we rest from the
endless toil for survival and we come into a place where we dish out from our
innermost being to our hurting world as the great teacher declared “Out of thy belly shall flow rivers of living
Great teachers and inventors had come to this realization; our
world geniuses such as Mozart, Beethoven, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and
many, once came to this point. When these ones discovered who they were,
they played out their lives from the scroll; the originality of who they are
and without limitations they all dished out their worth to the world, by this their work became bliss, though they worked hard they did
not struggle in endless pursuit’s cycle. The world geniuses enjoyed their work
amid various oppositions they found inner peace and tranquility which made them
give out beauty to the world; healing to the sick and depressed hearts, comfort
to the despondent, and direction to the helpless and confused souls. I will say
it again that the discovery of purpose brings inner peace to our soul but the
greatest peace goes to the beneficiaries of our work; value to humanity. Ralph Waldo
Emerson, one of the 21st-century poets said “The world makes way for the person who knows where he is going”.
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