If we must attain greater heights and impact our generation, if we must take territories or come to significant or make meaningful progress in time then we must regain our self-image. We can only do this by believing in the possibilities that lie within us. We must believe in ourselves in order to be successful.
The ultimate discovery of our true self-image is the beginning of great achievements so we must wake up from the slumber of moral degeneracy portrayed in the manifestation of lesser reasoning manifested in self-centered tendencies of greed, materialism, separation, etc to a spiritual awakening of our true self-image. Greatness resides in every man, mankind is the greatest evolved creation, so man carries in him the divine attributes which sprang the universe but amid these great potentials in man, the greatest ills that have befallen the human race is man undermining his true self-worth. The underlying symptom that leads to the devaluation of man’s self-image is generally seen in the manifestation of fear, doubts, insecurity, poverty, and self-centeredness and this devaluation result from environmental limitations that one is born into, for instance, a child that is threatened by war; he watched his parent gruesomely murdered and their house burnt down by the ravages of war, this child will grow up with deep-rooted fear and insecurity in his consciousness which could negatively affect his self-image for a very long time.
In many societies of our world especially in third world nations, we witnessed a lot of environmental limitations which affect the average child's self-image. The experience of abject poverty alone in any family can lower one's self-value, due to this consciousness of lack and want his or her confidence is affected so he or she grows up with an inferiority complex problem of lack or meager earnings which could affect his or her inner ability to dream big.
Our social crisis always leaves behind imprints of greater future hurts as often seen in national image challenges. We cannot expect any society to go far with a low image valuation, I believe this is the reason we see poverty prevailing in all social classes in many parts of the world. When I use the word “poverty” in all social strata, I am not referring to the common material poverty of lack and want; I am referring to a deeper form of poverty seen in the poverty of moral values and mind poverty. The poverty of moral values is the bankruptcy of character among so many individuals; moreover, it is this moral poverty that manifests in weak leadership. It is as a result of character deficiency that makes the so-called rich people in the weak social class system use their material affluence and position of influence to oppress the poor masses. Dictatorship, autocracy, injustice, and social class system are all manifestations of weak leadership caused by a decline in moral values. No matter how influential these ones may be, they are regarded as morally poor people and thus they suffer from low self-image problems. Another form of
The identity challenge is seen in the superiority complex challenge which is predominant among the presumed rich elite class in weak social system societies.
In a moral decadence society, the foundation of such a society is seen in a faulty social structure, such structure rather than enhancing the growth of the people often debases the society. Many times most children in these societies grow up with a self-image problem because what they frequently behold in their environment is a perverted view of normalcy; the practice of corruption portrayed in dishonest dealings, greed, and other malpractices as a generally accepted lifestyle. So what happened to these children's self-image? I believe these children will reflect a distorted self-image where the acts of corruption; fraud, dishonesty, etc becomes their culture and this perverted culture will cause a problem to many of them when they travel to other nations where this culture is unaccepted, so they will be regarded as outlaws which will further corrode their national identity, and when this is the case, what is seen is the deepening tension between the nations with corruption culture and nations with zero tolerance to corruption and this tension is sometimes misconstrued as racial victimization. These social tensions should rather be seen as tension that arises from the existence of two distinct ways of life, people in decadence societies finding themselves in nations where values are quite distinct. On this note, I will say to a very large extent our self-image is influenced by our societal values.
It is amazing to say that amid these challenges confronting the human race, I see a better world because I believe in humanity. The challenge lies in us today to change the tie for our children and children’s children, and we cannot achieve this with separation. No matter who and what we have become, we can never be fully celebrated until we place value on ourselves; this includes our inherent potentials and what we represent as values. As we begin to celebrate our uniqueness not just in celebrating our strength but also in celebrating our differences as a race then we will begin to draw global attention through the statements of love and unity. The greatest enemy of mankind is separation, today we see separation in different forms, we live in a world too divided by fear among people of different races, ethnic and religious groups, and we must conquer our fears and deal with our separations in order for us to regain our true self worth for we cannot maximize our true potentials in separation. The separation will only instill fear, insecurity, and complexity which are often seen as a national identity problem. A nation or a race that is too divided instead of advancing will rather retrogress where others are advancing because unity remains the strength of any group of people.
If there are no opportunities in your country why are people coming there? It may shock you to know that the very country you are running out to do odd jobs is the same nation whose investors are applying for visas to come into your country to invest. You saw the mess but in that same nation, another is seeing opportunities to make fortunes from the mess you saw. What an irony. I believe this is so because deep inside your consciousness there is a low self-evaluation problem that devalues your worth and national worth.
Behind that mask of low self-worth are endless possibilities which the world is waiting for, human and world transformation.
Low self-image prevailed in our environments; this is as a result of several conditions of inadequacies seen in the various challenges in many parts of our world such as:
Poverty:- Hunger, deprivation, Poor living conditions, sickness, etc.
Moral Poverty:- Illiteracy, Abuses:- Child Abuse, sex Abuse, Gender discrimination, Child Labor, Victimization, Hatred, Oppression, Social Class system, Discriminations, Rape, Terrorism, Domestic Violence etc. These ills are inflicted on humans by the system; Parents, Governments, perverted ideologies, and wrong policies. All these factors contribute to lowering the self-image of the victims.
It is a universally accepted fact that any condition one finds himself in, such an environment directly or indirectly affects his mindset, lifestyle, and actions. That is why our actions and lifestyles are mostly reflections of our current or past environmental conditions unless it is altered. When this is the case, the victims of these antisocial conditions need mind renewal therapy in order to come out of this antisocial malady. The therapy can be psychological treatment, mind renewal with a counselor, or word base orientation.
Low self-esteem could also be seen as the aftereffect of emotional or social traumatic experiences such as accident, rape, war, shock. The consequences of these could result in a fatal outcome of low self-image.
Everything is centered on our thoughts. Positive thoughts attract good things while low thoughts or negative thoughts attract low and negative realities. We are the masterpiece of our own lives, so we create our realities, and we do it with our thoughts. Low self-image people often think small and beggarly so they attract small realities. “As a man thinks, so he is”- Proverbs. “You create your own universe as you go along.”- Winston Churchill
The image we carry about ourselves attracts the same thing to us. That is why so many conditions and circumstances persist despite rigorous prayer exercises until the person in question changes his or her thought pattern, the situation will remain. The universal law of attraction says you attract the most dominant thought in your consciousness whether conscious or subconscious.
Low self-image often emits thoughts of fear, doubt, incapability, failure:- Low self-worth vibrations.
So these thoughts vibrations often dispel helpers, opportunities, favors and attract failure and disappointments. This is because our emotions play an essential role in our realities, the better we feel the more aligned we are with the universe. Whatever it is you are feeling is the perfect reflection of what is in the process of your becoming. You get exactly what you feel about and not so much of what you are thinking.
3 Factors that determine the outcome of a person:
Inherent Personal Attributes [PA}- Genetic
Acquired Attributes {AQA}- Education and experience
Mental Attributes {MA} – Greatness is mostly determined by mental attributes.
Your mental attribute is what you really need to take you to places in life, not your acquired skills. Many have proven this in our contemporary world. Believing in yourself {self-value} which has to do with your faith; resolution, determination, and courage in the midst of opposition and diverse life challenges really matters.
If you are a victim of low self-esteem you must awake to the realization that greatness lies beneath that veil of low self-image and you should also have this in mind that behind that mask of low self-worth are endless possibilities which the world is waiting for humans and world transformation.
Regardless of your birth condition, your color, culture, or social status, greatness lies in that personality called YOU.
2 Types of Birth:
❖ Day 1 – Natural Birth.
❖ Day 2 - Day of Discovery.
We must always teach our younger generation the importance of self-image. Tell them that what lies within them are great treasures regardless of any circumstances they may have found themselves. They must, first of all, believe in themselves [Self-value]. They should believe in the possibilities that lie within them. We must also understand that the words we speak to our children or anyone affect his or her self-esteem, it either boosts their self-esteem or lowers their self-esteem. Negative and destructive words destroy a child's self-image; so many children living with low self-esteem today are caused by their parents or guardians as a result of negative words spoken to them.